12.6.19On Friday, Novembe 29, 2019, LCAalong with a coalition of animal rights organizations and activistsled the 33rd Annual Fur-Free Friday protest in Beverly Hills.

The demonstration included a march down Rodeo Drive to urge retailers selling fur to commit to going fur-free immediately, not in 2023 when the California fur ban takes effect.

Actress Donna D'Errico and model Raine Michaels were among the demonstrators who peacefully protested amongst bustling Black Friday shoppers to raise awareness for the cruelties inflicted on countless fur-bearing animals that are slaughtered each year for the sake of fashion.

Animal Defenders International, Chino Cow Save, CompassionWorks International, Direct Action Everywhere, In Defense of Animals, Los Angeles Animal Save, Orange County Animal Liberation, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) also participated in the protest. Certificates of Recognition were awarded to Prada and Versace for their commitment to going fur-free.



Click here to learn more about the cruel fur industry.



Photo: LCA