Australia's koalas are in danger and urgently need your help. The iconic animals have suffered devastating population decline due to human development and could go extinct unless we act now.
While millions of koalas used to roam in the wild, their populations have plummeted by as much as 95% since the 1990s, with as few as 43,000 remaining.
Koalas only live in Australia and rely on eucalyptus trees to survive. But the eucalyptus trees – the koalas’ only food source – are being destroyed at an alarming rate.
Dead koala on the side of a highway
Shortsightedly placing profit above all else, developers have decimated the koalas' natural habitat. Loss of habitat makes koalas climb to the nearest high area, even if no trees are around. They may end up in people’s backyards or other unnatural places, and risk being run over on roads and highways. Habitat loss also leads to encounters with cattle, which is very dangerous for the koalas.
The Ballina Pacific Highway Upgrade in New South Wales is just one example of how human development gravely threatens the koala. The highway runs straight through koala country, and now eucalyptus trees in the area are being fitted with collars so the koalas cannot climb up. Dangerous and ineffective ramps are being placed to supposedly help wildlife escape the perilous road, but they are so poorly designed that countless koalas and other animals may get trapped and die.
Tragically, the Australian government is failing miserably at protecting the koala. LCA is working with Australians for Animals to put the pressure on Australia’s government to take swift action.
The koalas do not have long. Australia must come up with a conservation plan at once and then implement that plan as soon as possible. We cannot let the koalas go extinct!
What You Can Do:
1. CLICK HERE to sign the petition urging Australia's government to take action!
2. Contact Australia's tourism boards to let them know you refuse to visit the country until a koala conservation plan is enacted. Mail, email, and/or call the following offices:
Tourism Australia
PO Box 13162, George Street Post Shop
Brisbane, QLD Australia 4000
+61 2 9360 1111 (if calling from Australia)
Queensland Tourism Industry Council
Level 5, 189 Grey Street
South Brisbane, QLD 4101
+07 3236 1445 (if calling from Australia)
Destination New South Wales
GPO Box 7050
Sydney NSW 2001
+61 2 9931 1111 (if calling from Australia)