
sam simon shield

Investigations in the Field

Investigations Links


 Last Chance for Animals (LCA), often referred to as the "FBI of Animal Rights," is widely known for investigations that expose horrible cruelty to animals. From exposing illegal companion animal consumption, the mass slaughter of deer by the National Parks Services at Gettysburg, and the first-ever conviction of USDA licensed Class B dealers, leading to maximum prison terms for three people - LCA is committed to bringing animal cruelty issues to the forefront and exposing animal abusers. 

Many of LCA's investigations were made possible due to the incredible generosity of the late Sam Simon. Not only was Sam one of the entertainment industry's greatest icons, he was also a pillar of inspiration to the animal rights community. Diagnosed with terminal colon cancer in 2012 and told he had just six months to live, Sam went on to devote the remainder of his life and fortune to easing the suffering of both animals and people. Sam passed away in 2015 at 59-years-old, living for nearly three years after his diagnosis and called those years the best of his life because he spent them helping others. 

In 2014, LCA renamed the Special Investigations Unit to the Sam Simon Special Investigations Unit. The investigations team is focused on validating information, detecting suspect activity, exposing illegal or unethical activites, and reporting them to local, state and federal authorities for prosecution or other disposition.

The information obtained in LCA investigations creates lasting changes for animals. Undercover footage and documentation is used in developing campaigns to end animal cruelty, public education and outreach, and to make sure laws protecting animals are enforced. 





In Memoriam: Sam Simon

June 6, 1955 - March 8, 2015