By LCA Editor on Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Category: Blog

California - Elephants Need You!! Help Ban the Elephant Bullhook in CA!!

California is closer than ever to passing a ban on cruel elephant bullhooks -- a move that would effectively block circuses with elephants from performing in the state. The bill, SB 1062, passed in the state senate on April 18, 2016, and now awaits a vote in the state assembly. With the assembly adjourning for summer recess July 1, 2016, the vote could happen at any time!

If this passes, California will become the first state in the U.S. to ban the bullhook!

Your support is crucial. Please contact your assemblymember and urge them to vote in favor of this historic legislation! IMPORTANT: Some elephant handlers are attempting to exempt themselves from this bill, and be given "grandfather" status that would allow them to continue using bullhooks. Please be sure to tell your assemblymember there must be NO exceptions to the bullhook ban!

The bullhook, seen here, is a rod with a metal hook at the end that's used on elephants' sensitive areas, such as behind the knees and ears, to force them into submission. The resulting pain, paired with the fear of future beatings, causes the elephants to obey their handler. Bullhooks are commonly used at zoos and to train elephants to perform ridiculous and unnatural "tricks" at circuses.

For decades, LCA has fought against cruelty to elephants with the Elephant Sanctuaries, Not Captivity! campaign. LCA was instrumental in helping pass a ban on bullhooks in Los Angeles -- and now it's time for the rest of the state to catch up.

Please CLICK HERE to find your assemblymember. Then call, write and email to let them know that you vote and you support the bullhook ban!

The elephants are counting on you. Let's ban the bullhook in California!!

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