Last Chance for Animals

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  • Boo for Puppy MillsAdopt from an animal shelter or rescue group; never buy from a pet store. Remember that 25% of shelter animals are purebreds 
  • Do not shop at stores that sell animals 
  • Volunteer at your local animal shelter or rescue group 
  • Ask your elected officials to outlaw puppy mills. Urge them to demand that the USDA enforce the Animal Welfare Act. For your senators’ and representatives’ contact information, visit
  • Write letters to the editors of your local newspapers about the horrors of the puppy mill industry and its connection with pet stores 
  • Distribute brochures about puppy mills and pet overpopulation outside of pet shops 
  • Ask shopping mall managers not to renew the lease of the pet store on their property 
  • Report pet store abuses to whoever is responsible for enforcing anti-cruelty laws in your town. Write a detailed statement of the abuses and take photographs, if possible 
  • Educate others about the cruelties of puppy mills and the importance of adopting from shelters 

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