By Amanda Friesen on Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Category: Blog

California's Circus Cruelty Prevention Act Passes Committee!

On April 9, 2019, the Circus Cruelty Prevention Act (SB 313) unanimously passed the California Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee with a 7-0 vote!

If enacted into law, the Circus Cruelty Prevention Act, which was introduced by California Sen. Ben Hueso (D-San Diego), will prohibit the use of wild and exotic animals (excluding domestic cats, domestic dogs, and horses) in circuses throughout the state.

Sadly, countless circuses still exploit and abuse wild animals by forcing them to perform unnatural tricks in front of an audience, such as standing on their heads, riding bicycles, or jumping through rings of fire  all against their will. In addition to having to partake in these demeaning performances, the animals must also endure a lifetime of violent training practices including beatings, starvation, and constant confinement.

As a result of this severe mistreatment, many circus animals display abnormal behaviors like rocking, swaying, head-bobbing, or other repetitive movements (all of which are signs of extreme psychological distress) and often become unhealthy, depressed, and aggressive. Bar biting and self-mutilation are also common amongst circus animals and are directly related to the stress caused by confinement.

Thanks to your outpouring of phone calls and statements of support to your legislators for SB 313, the Circus Cruelty Prevention Act will now be heard at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for April 23, 2019!

While SB 313's advancement is a major victory — our work isn't done yet!


SB 313 will now be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 23. Written statements in support of the Circus Cruelty Prevention Act are urgently needed by Wednesday, April 17!

1. Submit a written statement in support of SB 313 to the Senate Judiciary Committee via:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax: (916) 403-7394

Mail: Senate Judiciary Committee,

State Capitol Room 2187, Sacramento, CA 95814


2. Contact your state legislators and urge them to end circus cruelty by supporting SB 313! (FIND THEIR DETAILS HERE.)

Click here to learn more about LCA's campaign to end circus cruelty and what you can do to help. 

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