By Shura Hammond on Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Category: Blog

Trophy Hunters Convene to Bid on the Lives of Rare Animals

Over the next four days, tens of thousands of people from all over the world will gather in Las Vegas to celebrate the cruel and unnecessary pseudo-sport of trophy hunting. Ardent trophy hunters are convening at Safari Club International’s (SFI) Annual Hunters’ Convention to boast about their kills and place bids on sought-after hunting expeditions. Under the guise of conservation, wealthy SFI members shell out thousands of dollars to end the lives of the world’s most rare and magnificent creatures. This convention exemplifies the cruelty and destruction that humans continue to thrust upon the natural world. Animal advocates and conservation experts will be present to protest this brutality and promote respect and protection for wildlife.

While hunting was once a necessity for our ancestors’ survival, it has morphed into a sadistic form of entertainment, driven by the egos of unfeeling individuals with disposable incomes. Finding sick satisfaction in this senseless carnage, hunters display the heads, hides, and horns of their victims as trophies of their heartless thrill kills. This deplorable behavior is promoted by groups like SFI, which encourages the killing of thousands of exotic animals every year, including those on the brink of extinction. Offering numerous awards to hunters who kill the highest number of exotic species, SFI plays an intrinsic role in turning wildlife into commodities. 

Hunting advocates commonly attempt to justify their shameful actions by claiming that trophy hunting advances conservation efforts. This myth is rooted in the counterproductive notion that the money paid by hunters to kill rare species goes to organizations that protect the same animals from extinction.  In fact, these claims are grossly exaggerated, as an insignificant fraction of trophy hunting revenue is allotted to conservation agencies. Most of these funds go to for-profit, canned hunting  facilities which breed lions, elephants, and countless other exotic animals for the sole purpose of killing them. This twisted logic is further perpetuated by the recent CNN documentary, Trophy. Purportedly a neutral assessment of the trophy hunting debate, this disturbing film paints big game hunters in a markedly favorable light. Devoid of facts and overflowing with propaganda, the documentary only serves to normalize killing for pleasure.

Contrary to the beliefs maintained by trophy hunters, animals are here with us, not for us. Decent people feel compelled to protect these majestic and intelligent creatures, not destroy them. Respected conservationists and animal activists will be gathering in Las Vegas during the following days to spread public awareness about the senseless slaughter of wildlife and why it is exceedingly harmful to the protection of at-risk species. Learn how you can join these advocates in taking a stand against this cruelty below.


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