By LCA Editor on Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Category: Blog

Let’s End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival

As summer rolls in with warm winds and longer days, your dog is probably glued to the door, hankering to burst outside into the explosion of summer life. Now imagine that you can't let him outside for fear he could be kidnapped, killed, and eaten. Dog owners in China face this fear – especially in the days leading up to the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.

The summer solstice festival turns thousands of innocent dogs into meat, including treasured household pets. Dog meat suppliers ransack Chinese streets in search of any dog they can find. They “package” poor animals for the haul to the Yulin market by tying them up, stuffing them into wire cages, and piling them into trucks like potato sacks. Many animals die on their way to the market, which is almost a mercy; nightmares await the survivors.

In Yulin, vendors bludgeon, electrocute, scorch, skin, and mutilate the dogs. Many people of Yulin believe torture makes more delectable meat, so the dogs last moments are often excruciating. Many naturally trusting dogs continue to wag their tails until the very end.

Since the government of Yulin has turned a blind eye on decades of dogs slaughter, it’s up to us to take action to protect our best friends. Help stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival by signing this petition to tell the Chinese embassy that dog slaughter must end once and for all.

As you read this, someone in China is missing their beloved dog because of this festival. Your signature will help stop this nightmare for good.


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